Ways to obtain Turkish citizenship
Investing By Buying Properties that Worth two 250, 000$-Duration: 2-5 Months After Purchasing
When can the foreign investor purchase a property in order to get the Turkish citizenship? And can an investor who purchased previously apply to get the citizenship?
- According to the terms of the law, it is required to make the purchase of a property which is worth 250,000 USD or above, after the date of 18th of September 2018.
- To apply for the citizenship based on a purchased property, before the law reformation it is required for the property to be worth 1,000,000 USD.
Do family members of the foreign investor who obtained the citizenship have the right to get the Turkish citizenship too?
- Only the spouse and children under 18 have the right to obtain citizenship, others who are over 18 have the right to obtain permanent residency in Turkey.
Is it supposed to purchase the property with US Dollars?
- No, other foreign currencies are accepted and has to be equivalent to 250,000 USD in order to apply for the Turkish citizenship.
Is it required for the applicant or the investor who already obtained the citizenship to stay in Turkey?
- No, it is not mandatory to maintain residency in Turkey.
What is the right way to valuate the property?
- Properties valuation is done by licensed specialist valuation companies.
After the valuation of the property, how does the investor apply for the citizenship?
- Investor has to sign an obligation not to sell the property for 3 years in the Title Deed Department, then the investor can directly apply for citizenship.
When is it allowed to sell the property?
- the investor has the right to sell the property after the 3 years deadline.
Can people who are partners in ownership of a property apply for the Turkish citizenship?
- Other partners in ownership of a property can apply as long as their share in the property is 250,000 USD for each individual
Proven by the Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency to have deposited at least USD $500,000 in banks operating in Turkey with the condition of not to withdraw for at least three years or equivalent in exchange or equivalent in Turkish lira.
Marriage to a Turkish person
Here, you can apply for the citizenship after 3 years from your marriage, the first 3 years you have to do family resident permit.
By obtaining a work permit and renewing it for 5 years continously
after you get the work permit and renew it for 5 years, you are eligible to make an application for the citizenship.
for knowing how to apply for the work permit and what its conditions please click here: https://turkeyindetail.com/work-permit/ , or contact us.